Zootopia: Hopps Pursuit

About the game «Zootopia: Hopps Pursuit»
Zootopia is a very famous Disney cartoon that each of you has seen for sure. According to the plot of this cartoon, a lot of games were released, but one of the most popular was Zootopia: Hopps Pursuit. Zootopia is the capital of a large and beautiful world of animals. There live many different animals that work and have different professions and occupations. As in the modern world, there is not only good in Zootopia, but also evil that must be fought. That is why there is a police station where the famous Judy Hopps works. Judy patrols the streets of the city every day and protects residents from thieves. But one day a bank robbery took place right in front of her. Judy ran after the thief with all her might, but he disappeared from view and she could not catch him. An important task will be to join the ranks of the Zootopia patrol and help catch this villain and return the loot to the bank.