TopDown Monster Shooter

About the game «TopDown Monster Shooter»
One of the more fantastic headings is the free online Monsters games. Here you will play and meet many representatives of the other world, learn their habits, learn to fight evil spirits, or make friends. Soldier Jack serving in the special forces was ordered to infiltrate the city, which was captured by monsters and destroy them all. You in the game TopDown Monster Shooter will have to help him in this task. Your hero will move forward along the city streets. In his hands he will have a machine gun with a laser sight. As soon as you notice the enemy, you will have to direct the laser beam of the sight at him and pull the trigger. Bullets flying out of the weapon will hit the monsters and destroy them. Do not be intimidated by the fangs and claws of these creatures. Many monsters are quite cute and kind, and with the rest you can easily cope with armed to the teeth.